
Marc Friedman is an artist whose creative journey spans the realms of photography, multimedia, and digital media. Trained initially as a photographer, his exploration of the intersection between nature and the man-made world, technology, and science has been a recurring theme throughout his artistic career. Friedman earned his MFA degree from the Massachusetts College of Art in 1995, complemented by a BA degree from Salem State College in 1992. Prior to earning his degrees, he attended the School of Visual Arts in NYC, where he began to hone his skills in art and photography.

Since 1992, he had been actively engaged in the art world, participating in exhibitions that have allowed him to share his evolving perspective on the intricate relationship between the natural-organic, and the artificial. However, life took him on a detour from 2001 to 2023, during which he applied his skills as a Web Software Engineer in the field of Information Technology. This hiatus, however, was not a departure from art making but rather a divergence, as the challenges and insights gained from his work in IT have helped shape and refine his artistic vision. Now, as he re-enters the creative world, his recent works are a blend of his technical expertise and a deepened exploration of the coexistence of nature and technology. His art continues to explore the continuing relevance of this ongoing conversation.