"Body Works: Beneath the Surface", a collection of digital, photographic, illustrations, is a visceral exploration of human anatomy while coming to terms with an autoimmune disease. Though the images are evocative of anatomical photographs or scans, they are not meant to be medically accurate or even presume that what is depicted even exists. They are also not meant to be some morbid fascination with bones, organs and blood. They are a visual journey that seeks to express the delicate balance between the natural beauty of our physiological selves and the complexities of navigating a body at war with itself. Through the intertwining of anatomical elements, textures, and colors, a picture of the invisible battle waged within our body begins to emerge.

"Body Works: Beneath the Surface" is a questioning of the body's betrayal and a search for meaning in the chaos of a malfunctioning immune system. Each piece is a chronicle of flareups and remissions and, of the slow journey towards understanding, acceptance, and the reclamation of control.