This work explores the intersection of chance and control, through the lens of procedurally generated geographic terrains. A fractal in its most basic form, refers to a pattern that repeats itself based on a set of rules or some sort of mathematical system. For this work, I built a programmatic algorithm that acts as a 'Fractal Blueprint', organizing fragmented elements into a cohesive whole. The algorithm serves as the starting point, generating random data upon which each unique terrain is built. This generated data guides the selection, positioning, and layering of various pre-existing landscape textures and photographs. Each layer represents a mapped parcel of land, designated by borders and numbers, hinting at a hidden structure beneath the seemingly random arrangement. Finally, multiple iterations of these terrains are combined and arranged into a single, large-scale image. Like a mosaic of puzzle pieces, with each puzzle piece guided by the code, a geographic terrain materializes which is at once both alien and strangely familiar, yet surprising in its final form.