
We often stare upward and gaze upon the night sky. It's a gesture as old as humanity itself, a moment of awe and contemplation. Yet, beneath the celestial beauty lies a disquieting truth - our world faces immense challenges. 'Encoding the Cosmos' asks us to ponder one simple yet profound question: if humanity had the chance to start anew, what kind of future would we build?

A custom program that generates patterned data, dictates the placement and form of countless numbers, letters, and basic geometric shapes, mimicking the scattered brilliance of a star-filled sky. At first glance it appears to be simply an abstract pattern of celestial data points. Yet, within the apparent chaos of the pattern, there is a structure, a geometric tension that celebrates the harmony between randomness and geometry, perhaps a metaphor for the relationship between the unpredictability of existence and the deliberate choices we make.

There is a strong current of idealism running through this work with the implication that we have the ability to reshape civilization in a more equitable and harmonious form, referenced by the inclusion of imaginary exoplanets (planets that orbit around other stars outside the Solar System), potential havens for displaced civilizations. These worlds inject a science fictional element, a reminder that the boundaries of "home" are not limited to this planet. They symbolize the possibility of a future built on a foundation of balance - balancing reason and emotion, logic and intuition, and lessons learned from our past.